Energy Savings for Schools
Here is a helpful road map that outlines the process and highlights different roles and their tasks as your district progresses through the program. A printable version is here if you would like to print it out for easy reference in the future.

Program Champion
Program Champion
As the Program Champion, you are the key to helping your district benefit from the program. You are the authorizing agent for participation and the recruiter of buy-in and leadership. You will need to review and execute a Memorandum of Understanding with CEO, be the program liaison among district staff, and help share district progress over time.

Resource Plan Champion
Resource Plan Champion
As the Resource Plan Champion, your role is to help the district set a course for its resource management. There is a template below for this plan that will help you through the process. There is also a tool to lead you through a building audit should you or a group of students choose to undertake this informative task.
Resource Management Plan Template
Resource Management Plan At-a-Glance Template

Engagement Champion
Engagement Champion
As the Engagement Champion, you will engage district staff and students in Month of Impact activities. We have developed all the materials you will need to plan for and execute this month of activities. Resources our provided by the four focus areas offered. If you are interested in other options for engaging those in your district, check out the behavior-based and student engagement libraries.
Unplugged! Learn about reducing unnecessary electricity use.
Shed Some Light! Focus on lighting – one of the biggest energy users in schools.
Make a Splash! Water is a precious resource – learn how you can make a difference.
Don’t Sweat It! Learn ways to reduce heating costs without compromising comfort.

Teacher Resources
Teacher Resources
Thank you for participating in the month of impact activities and modeling good resource management behaviors for your students! If you would like to engage your classroom further, we have provided some in-class activities and lesson plans below.
The most important aspect of the program is that it gave us specific, actionable feedback that could be implemented immediately.
Dave Ulrich, Moffat County High School